What are the services we offer?

  • FCL.055 TEST


AEPS has developed a language proficiency test fully compliant with EASA regulations (FCL.055) and widely recognised by the pilot community, due to :

  • tests adapted to the private and professional aviation environment
  • the accuracy of levels awarded
  • the professionalism and friendliness of the examiners

How can I find out more about your test and how it works?

AEPS has developed a blog containing several articles on our English test.



Take your English test without leaving home!

Avoid the hassle of travelling, forget the stress of having to be on time for an appointment and gain time for you and your family thanks to the AEPS FCL.055 language proficiency test by videoconference.


How does it work?

  1. Register for a test on a date that suits you (scheduled or on demand)
  2. You will receive your confirmed appointment time
  3. On the day, you will receive an e-mail inviting you to join the examiners in the virtual test room
  4. Our examiners will be with you throughout the test and will inform you of your result at the end
  5. If your test has been successful, download your FCL.055 certificate and all documents required by your CAA.

What equipment will I need to take a remote test?

  • A modern computer
  • A webcam
  • Headphones/earbuds and a microphone
  • A stable, high-quality internet connection
  • A room where you can be alone

To make sure your equipment is satisfactory, by clicking here

Will I have to install specific software on my computer?

The videoconference tool used by AEPS doesn’t need any installation.
However, it is recommended you use CHROME or FIREFOX


The FCL.055 test in an AEPS office or at one of our partners’ locations.


How does it work?

  1. Register for a test on one of the dates and at one of the locations available
  2. You will receive confirmation of your appointment time
  3. Our examiners will be present throughout your test and will inform you of the results at the end
  4. If your test has been successful, download your FCL.055 certificate and all documents required by your CAA.

Where is it possible to take an on site test?

AEPS has developed a large network of partners around the world. The list below shows the different places where it is possible to take your test.


  • Belgium
  • France
  • New Caledonia

Is it possible to organise FCL.055 English tests on site at my flying club?

Yes, providing certain conditions are met, such as:

  • a minimum number of 6 candidates
  • the examiner’s travelling and lodging expenses are covered.
Contact us for a personalised estimate


AEPS offers a large choice of dates for both FCL.055 test sessions and preparatory courses.

Use our calendar to choose the date and service which suits you the best.


What types of planned services are available?

  • Remote and on-site tests
  • Remote preparatory courses

I am not available on any of the dates offered in the calendar, what can I do?

Order an on demand test or preparatory course! In this case, we will find a date which meets your needs.


Tell us when you are available, we will do the rest!

Ordering an AEPS on demand service guarantees maximum flexibility, whatever your schedule.


How does it work?

  1. Register for an on demand test or preparatory course
  2. AEPS will contact you to arrange a convenient date and time

Can on demand tests or courses be organised on site?

No. On demand services are carried out via video-conference.

However, please feel free to contact us - we can usually find a solution


These courses are intended for VFR or IFR pilots wanting to prepare for AEPS’s different FCL.055 language proficiency tests.

Preparatory courses are available as packs – including a set number of hours, with or without instructor, and the FCL.055 English language proficiency test.


Which course is best suited to my needs?

AEPS has developed an online COURSE SELECTION TOOL which will enable you to find the most suitable preparatory course.

Click here!

Do you have some examples of preparatory courses?

There are three main categories of courses:

  • Online courses accessible via our e-learning platform
    • READING YOU FIVE VFR or IFR (Radiocommunication course)
  • VIP courses including:
    • from 1 to 12 hours of lessons with instructors
    • 30 days access to the online course - SHORT FINAL
    • 30 days access to the online course -READING YOU FIVE
    • 1 FCL.055 test


AEPS France est un Organisme de formation spécialisé dans l’apprentissage des langues étrangères pour le secteur aéronautique. L’entreprise est notamment reconnue auprès de la communauté des pilotes français pour ses cours préparatoires au test de compétences linguistiques FCL.055 VFR et IFR.

L’entreprise est également active sur le secteur de la maintenance aéronautique. Elle se distingue grâce à des tests et des cours d’anglais afin d’aider les acteurs du marché à améliorer les compétences en anglais de leur personnel et de démontrer auprès des autorités concernées leur démarche de qualité et de formation continue.

Certifiée QUALIOPI en 2022, AEPS France propose un catalogue de formations pouvant bénéficier d’aides financières par l’État français, le CPF, le Pôle emploi, les régions.


Financer sa préparation au test FCL.055 VFR et IFR

Toutes nos formations dédiées à la préparation au test de compétences linguistiques FCL.055 VFR (RS5582) et IFR (RS5583) sont finançables via votre CPF (Compte personnel de formation).

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus ?
Nous vous invitons à consulter notre catalogue de formations et nos conditions générales de vente.

Listes des formations actuellement disponibles sur le site “Mon compte formation”

Alerte à la fraude !

Pour utiliser votre compte formation un seul site officiel moncompteformation.gouv.fr. Pour éviter d'être piraté, ne communiquez jamais vos identifiants (numéro de sécurité sociale ou mot de passe). Vous devez rester seul à accéder à votre compte ! Dans le cas contraire, vos droits à formation pourraient être piratés ! Soyez attentifs aux tentatives d'arnaques (sollicitations répétées, parrainages, offres d'emploi trompeuses) ! Nous comptons sur votre vigilance.

En savoir plus : https://www.moncompteformation.gouv.fr/espace-public/comment-signaler-une-escroquerie-sur-mon-compte-formation


AEPS uruchamia w Warszawie regularne stacjonarne sesje egzaminacyjne z angielskiego języka lotniczego zgodne z wymogami EASA FCL.055 we współpracy z dr hab. Anną Borowską (Uniwersytet Warszawski), ekspertem biegłości językowej oraz umiejętności posługiwania się językiem angielskim w komunikacji lotniczej (AEPS, Eurocontrol).

Piloci chcący uzyskać lub odnowić swój wpis do licencji poziomu biegłości języka angielskiego (Aviation English) mogą już zapisywać się na zaplanowane stacjonarne sesje egzaminacyjne od marca 2023 r.

Kalendarz i cennik: https://www.aeps.aero/Sessions#onsite

Kim jesteśmy?

Aviation English Private School (AEPS) została założona przez Oliviera Thaon w 2013 r. Jest to ośrodek szkoleniowy i centrum egzaminacyjne wydające wpis do licencji dotyczący biegłości w posługiwaniu się angielskim językiem lotniczym zatwierdzony przez Belgijski Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego jako podmiot wydający certyfikaty językowe zgodnie z wymogami EASA FCL.055.

Czy certyfikat AEPS jest uznawany przez polski ULC?


Poniżej komentarz pana Michała, polskiego pilota liniowego:

"All process from the beginning up to the exam was really good and clear for me. The exam itself was in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. I will certainly recommend your services to my fellow pilots.

Thank You for guiding me through the entire process. The ability to pass online was the key for me. My feedback about the exam is positive, both the instructors Bertrand and Sylvain were very professional and very helpful during my exam. We even shared some laughs during that time.

I also want to mention that this exam was the most aviation oriented I done, the structure was from the beginning really well organized.

If I have to recommend AEPS to someone, I would definitely do it."

Które poziomy ICAO obejmuje test?


Czy AEPS oferuje kursy przygotowujące do egzaminu?


AEPS to także profesjonalny ośrodek szkoleniowy.
Oferujemy kursy Aviation English dopasowane do poziomu językowego słuchacza i założonego celu (poziomy 4,5,6).

Więcej informacji: https://www.aeps.aero/Services#courses